/BCO-DMO/Variation_Metabolic_Processes/Carcinus_hemocytes --lon eq -70.8646-- Level 1

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#   Carcinus hemocytes 2012
#     Counts of circulating hemocyte density in Carcinus maenas and Microphallid trematode exposure
#   B. Griffen, C. Keogh (USCar)
#   version: 2016-04-07
#   Note: These data were published in Blakeslee et al (2015) PLOS One, Fig. 6
site               lat       lon        
Adams_Pt_NH        43.0919   -70.8646   
crab  treatment  time_exposure  hemocytes_uL  
C16   Control    4wk            2396.25       
C18   Control    4wk            3573.75       
C26   Control    4wk            5347.5        
C27   Control    4wk            2343.75       
C28   Control    4wk            2040          
C32   Control    4wk            1736.25       
C36   Control    4wk            3082.5        
C4    Control    4wk            3690          
C7    Control    4wk            4425          
E1    Exposed    4wk            4316.25       
E11   Exposed    4wk            1961.25       
E20   Exposed    4wk            6108.75       
E22   Exposed    4wk            6911.25       
E24   Exposed    4wk            1590          
E30   Exposed    4wk            371.25        
E31   Exposed    4wk            738.75        
E32   Exposed    4wk            4177.5        
E33   Exposed    4wk            1878.75       
E36   Exposed    4wk            3427.5        
Cm21  Control    72hr           6180          
Cm22  Control    72hr           9915          
Cm23  Control    72hr           8220          
Cm24  Control    72hr           8478.75       
Cm25  Control    72hr           6150          
Cm26  Control    72hr           11505         
Cm27  Control    72hr           2411.25       
Cm28  Control    72hr           4541.25       
Cm29  Control    72hr           8775          
Cm30  Control    72hr           4931.25       
Cm31  Exposed    72hr           1710          
Cm32  Exposed    72hr           705           
Cm33  Exposed    72hr           3652.5        
Cm35  Exposed    72hr           9300          
Cm36  Exposed    72hr           2722.5        
Cm37  Exposed    72hr           2077.5        
Cm38  Exposed    72hr           2058.75       
Cm39  Exposed    72hr           3483.75